Saturday, November 20, 2010

The art of Snapping Part 2: Milestones

"Dad, I CAN'T DO IT!"

I used to only be able to offer support.  "Sure you can, bud.  Just keep practicing.  You'll get it."

Then, after weeks of practice, my son showed me that he could snap.

He doesn't know what he's done!  Now I have a reference point for him to overcome his frustrations.

I ambushed him last week when he was trying to put a shirt on.  I tied him up with his sleeves and tickled him until he gave up.

We were both still laughing when he tried getting his shirt on correctly.  He slipped his head through one of the sleeve holes and couldn't find where his arm was supposed to go.

He got in one of those funks that I get in when I realize the donut I just bit into has jelly in it.  BLECH

He was giving up, pouting and getting ready to blow up when I gently reminded him...

"Jeremiah, snap for me.  Do you remember how frustrated you got when you couldn't snap?  You practiced and now you're an expert snapper!"

Now he has a memory to depend on when times get tough.  He has a victory that can remind him that he has won before and if he stays calm and keeps practicing he can win again.

A few victories on the way to being healthy have kept me motivated to stay active.

But even more than that, reminding Jeremiah to remember has made me do the same.

I'm still too big to shop in most places, but I remember my doctor saying he's proud of me for the weight I've lost so far.

I still have trouble being open about my emotions sometimes, but I remember how much my wife appreciates it and how much better I feel when I share.

I have no idea where God is calling me professionally, but I remember that he has healed my heart, repaired my marriage, blessed my children and used me where I am.

I've been challenged by my son's expert snapping.  My challenge is to not only help him remember victories, but for me to remember how God is moving in my life... even when it feels like he's not there.

Life is hard.  And rather than stay on the surface with platitudes of "being blessed" while ignoring difficulty, I need to dig deep and remember those times where God did work when I didn't expect it.

He continues to use me and speak through me even though I don't know what the future holds.

A lot of times I still feel like I'm tied up in shirt sleeves, flailing around only succeeding to make the trap tighter.

Slowly though, I'm starting to hear the voice of the Father saying, "Jay, slow down.  Concentrate."

One day I hope to become an expert snapper myself.

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